Blink Media Arts Festival
Brave Berlin, 2019
I had the responsibility of designing and animating the motion for several murals. The primary theme of the work was storytelling. Using motion, I was able to emphasize the story that already exists in the artwork, while adding my own narration to the piece.
Some motion assets were provided from Saya Woolfalk, the artist of the mural - as shown here, the floating Avatars on the left and right.

Reference for Saya Woolfalk Mural
Reference for Great American Ballpark Bas Relief
Reference for C Forward Building
Reference for Xylene Mural in Covington, KY
Reference for The London Police Mural in Covington, KY
Reference for Great American Ballpark Bas Relief
Reference for C Forward Building
Reference for Xylene Mural in Covington, KY
Reference for The London Police Mural in Covington, KY